
in Kategorie
  1. Logo & Marke
  2. Logo
von maiketh
6 Tage 8 Std.

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Letzte Aktivität: 17.01.2025 23:51:14

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Welcher Name soll in Deinem Logo enthalten sein (ggf. Slogan)?
Was macht Deine Firma/Organisation? Wer ist Deine Zielgruppe?
We are a picture agency which takes pictures on events and sells them to the participants. Companies name is buy-a-picture.de - claim is 'Das Pferdefoto' (which means in german 'the horse picture). Our companies main values are: Quality and a sense of movement (which you need when taking pictures of any moving object).
We would ove to get an update for our company logo. A more stylish version. You can find the current logo here: https://www.buy-a-picture.de/data/media/1_siteLogo_1.png

What we do want:

Delivery as editable vector graphic (if you work with Illustrator, please save as CS4)

It does not matter if you deliver in CMYK or RGB

Information about the used fonts (please solely use free fonts - free also for commercial use). And please use new fonts - our current ones are old-fashioned

'buy-a-picture.de' is the text for the word mark of the logo. Readability of this text is extremely important - even when the logo is used on a textured background.

The claim 'Das Pferdefoto' should be an optional element. That means the logo has to look great with - and without this claim.

Our current logo uses white, red and blue). If you consider other colors please feel free. As a result we expect a colored version as well as a monochrome version (solely black).

The result should be stylish enough to be worn on merchandise clothing and to be used as signature on our pictures.

We prefer a typographic / lettermark logo - maybe combined with an emblem as background for the text to increase readability. Alternatively you can also improve the readybility e.g. with outlines or shadows

If some sort of a graphic is included in the design: Please be aware of that we did not like any of the suggestions which included cameras or horses when using AI tools for logo creation. That means: If you include one of these two elements on your design then it should be drawn individually and should be really creative.

Please also be aware of that our customers are mainly doing western riding (e.g. Western Pleasure, Reining, Western Horsemanship). That means any horse used should NOT show a dressage horse or a jumping horse. And western elements like cowboy hats, horse shoes and so on are considered silly and non-professional these circles.

It must be ensured that the logo does not infringe any third-party rights and that I can use it without restriction in terms of time, space and purpose and, if necessary, modify it myself.
Dein Design-Briefing

Welche Farben sollen verwendet werden?

Gibt es bereits eine bestehende Webseite oder aktive Social Media Accounts?





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